Hey Dagney!
That is how I feel now, when I see those JW.BORG videos, like I am on the outside looking in, it is crazy! I wish I would have "seen it" in 95!
was there one certain event or was it more a cumulative thing?.
Hey Dagney!
That is how I feel now, when I see those JW.BORG videos, like I am on the outside looking in, it is crazy! I wish I would have "seen it" in 95!
was there one certain event or was it more a cumulative thing?.
One thing.... 607!
Even though they changed the whole idea of "generation" in 95, I was always thinking to myself "How do they know?" They Bible says 'nobody knows the day or the hour'... and so, I waited or them to realize they should 'stop guessing.' I was going to wait for Jehovah to show them up.
But when I went to a convention (2010? 2011?) and heard about an article that would be coming out to explain this whole thing, I called the Society, talked to a "bro" who said "we really love our brothers, they work so hard" (they do this to distract you, and make you feel bad for asking) and then I finally got it out of him there would be an article on 607 that year (2011)
When my husband & I did the math, read the article, found out that there were business tablets with dates and names of kings on every single page.... that was it. The Society had lied and tried to confuse you by putting in all those bogus questions (could it have been? do we really know? maybe there was another king they didn't write down?, what about the crack in the stone? maybe the weather was bad that night, and they couldn't see the stars) I really, really knew they lied. And they lied bad.
I cried, I could not believe what they did. I saw the light. I saw the pattern in everything they did. Propagandists, confusion-ists, liars.
607, dead and gone!
"Where you will you go?" Somewhere they are not lying.
the most unforgettable man i ever met(by telly walstrom).
this man was a walking contradiction.
he violated every sensible rule of human interaction which might lead to success--especially as a salesman.unthinkable!preposterous!now here is what you must know.philip moh was ugly to look at.
Did you try going to the website of the life insurance company he worked for? then searching for his name?
the most unforgettable man i ever met(by telly walstrom).
this man was a walking contradiction.
he violated every sensible rule of human interaction which might lead to success--especially as a salesman.unthinkable!preposterous!now here is what you must know.philip moh was ugly to look at.
I agree with you Terry, and Philip as well, that people in general do like to think well of themselves, and that is what you are constantly reminded of at the meetings.
"We are God's chosen people, we will preach the good news and save people from Armageddon"
i know this is kind of trivial but i don’t want to partake in something that might have connections with something that jehovah disapproves of.
i checked the watchtower library and i didn’t find anything on gingerbread man cookies.. .
good lord...how incredibly stupid and helpless are jdubs getting?
So true! Let's make SURE, in the WT!
my (very fake) name is gabriel syme or gabe for short.
i have been lurking in the shadows for many years and i want to give all here a heartfelt thank you for all your indirect support.
this website, as well as youtube, and eventually reddit, were all key in me finally accepting the “truth” being not that at all.
Very interesting name (*thank you hangedman) I am intrigued, and wonder -'were you an anarchist?' 'part of the underground'? or does the idea simply amuse you?
while wandering on youtube, i came across a user named trueface.
perhaps you have already watched it.
i liked it because they describe their thoughts on how events and research led them to leave the wt.
The MIL of this nice young guy is a thinker. She is nice. She does what people should do when they come upon a situation (her daughter and SIL leave the borg) that they don't understand.
They talk, they listen, they think!
So nice to see that, it must make this guy & his wife really happy!
yes indeed, shunning began in eden.
when adam and eve sinned against god, god pronounced a curse on them, handed them some skins for clothes and kicked them out of the house.
there isn't any conversation between god and them after this.. he did converse with cain, but that also ended shortly after he killed his brother.. on the other hand the one that started it all, satan, visited jehovah at his house.
So true, why didn't we see this?
Well, we did... We did ask questions, we did complain, but there is only so far that one can admit reality before you are called an apostate. There really is no free will, or free thinking.
It's called blackmail.
hopefully more are on the same path.
here is the story..... this person i know was the model jw, and them and their spouse could have really moved up.
they knew i was gone and awhile ago started asking me questions.
there are a few things of interest, but the biggest thing to tell is with regard to the amount of times that pornography was discussed.
not just one talk... several.
the last brother had a computer on the table with him as he talked about porn.
The last brother had a computer on the table with him as he talked about porn. I thought that at any second, he was going to flip his computer around and say "here's an example, what should we do?"
There was also considerable time spent on booze and violence.
It was also highlighted that there is a growing increase in the number of elders who are being disfellowshipped for adultery.
Since nowadays they don't announce why people are getting DF'd, I just wonder if they say these things in such a way as to "put it in people's brains" that THESE are the reasons people are getting DF'd.
They do not want them to even consider "critical thinking" or "we found out this isn't the truth, so F you!" are the main reasons.